I posted this a couple of months back but just needed to remind myself of it...
I realize that life is made up of each individual decision in each individual moment. We are the sum of our decisions. An extraordinary man is made one decision at a time. An extraordinary man does not happen by chance. He is the result of small everyday decisions added up over days and weeks and months and years. He is conscious that his legacy is built on the foundations of these everyday decisions and he is constantly asking himself important questions before he makes his decisions. Questions like “will this glorify God?”, “if I really knew that Jesus was right here with me would I still be doing this, saying this, looking a this etc…?”, “am I being a good steward of my time, money, resources by doing this?”, “will this bring me closer to my wife?”, “what does Scripture say about this?”, “by doing this or saying this am I setting a good example for my wife, kids, friends, coworkers etc…?” An extraordinary man needs to have a plan for each area of his life including God, family, ministry, work, and recreation. He should ask himself questions like “where am I going?”, “how will I get there?”, “will this decision get me closer to my goal or set me back?”, “is my goal in line with the plans God has for my life?”, “what things do I need to do today, tomorrow, over the next year to reach my goal?”, “is my pursuit of this goal negatively affecting my relationship with God, family, friends?”
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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