They do all their deeds to be seen by others. For they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces and being called rabbi by others.
(Matthew 23:5-7 ESV)When we, like good religious people do, perform good deeds for others to see, or when we desire to be honored in front of others, we are failing to believe the amazing news of the Gospel. Most of us need to repent of our "righteous" works because they are done out of a motivation that is not in line with the truth of the Gospel. When we do good things so others will see us, or so that we will receive honor and a pat on the back we are fundamentally misunderstanding the truth about who Jesus is and what he has done.
When we do good works so others will see us or so that we will receive some kind of honor we are giving others the position of savior in our lives because we are looking to them for our worth and validation. We are fundamentally believing that what Jesus did on the cross was not enough for us and that we need the approval of others to give us the approval we desire.
The good news of the Gospel is this: Jesus did EVERYTHING necessary for your approval and salvation by living a life of perfect obedience to the Father. Sin deserves death. Since Jesus never sinned death was not required of him. But because of his love for you he exchanged places with you. He died for you in your place for all of your sin, past, present, and future so that it is forgiven. He also gave you his perfect righteousness so that NOTHING else would be required of you. Everything God requires of you has been done in Jesus. Because of what Jesus has done God now sees Christ's perfect life when he looks at you. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone ever again!! You don't have to put up a front so that others will think highly of you. You don't have to fake your way through life so other Christians will think you are holy or approve of you. You have the approval of GOD through the person and work of Jesus. All the worth and validation you ever need or desire is found in the amazing news of the Gospel!
Next time we find ourselves doing something to gain the approval of others let us be reminded of the good news of the Gospel and rest in what Jesus has done for us.
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