Before I offer any commentary on this topic please watch the 5 minute video below so you have a frame of reference for what I'm writing about:
The “health, wealth, and prosperity gospel” has taken off in American culture today and the man at the forefront of this false gospel is Joel Osteen. In fairness he is not the only one preaching this but he is the most prominent voice. For the record I don’t have a problem with Joel Osteen talking about becoming wealthy, improving your relationships, living pain free, having total victory or living without anxiety. I do have a problem with him “preaching” these topics under the guise of Christianity. If he wants to call himself a “self-help” expert, have a daytime talk show right after Dr. Phil and make his millions that way, more power to him. But when he sells his methods for “your best life now” as Christianity it becomes disgusting.
To paraphrase Mark Driscoll, just because something is in a “Christian” bookstore, or on “Christian” radio or “Christian” TV doesn’t mean it’s Christian. People have to be discerning about the things they read, watch, and listen to.
Let’s think clearly about this. According to Joel Osteen being a Christian means God will bless you with the following: wealth, good relationships, a pain free life, and a life free of anxiety or worry. Listen to me very carefully: Joel Osteen’s version of Christianity, by definition, must exclude Jesus Christ. Think about that. Christianity without Christ is nothing at all. Allow me to explain.
The “health, wealth, and prosperity gospel” says that as a Christian you will be blessed with wealth. Jesus was born in a barn (Luke 2:12), grew up working a blue-collar job as a carpenter (Mark 6:3), had no money to pay taxes (Matt. 17:27), and no home to live in (Matt 8:20). This is not exactly a picture of wealth.
This false gospel also says as a Christian your relationships will be without strain and full of blessings. Again, lets look at Jesus. His family disowned him (John 7:5), his friends abandoned him (Matt 26:75), Judas betrayed him (Luke 22:48), and the crowds screamed “crucify him!” (Mark 15:13). Why doesn’t Osteen tell us about this?
According to Osteen we will also live pain free lives if we become Christian. Jesus was beaten (Mark 14:65), scourged (Mark 15:15), had his beard plucked out (50:6), had a crown of thorns shoved into his face (John 19:2) and was nailed to a cross (Mark 15:25). That does not sound like a pain free life to me.
Lastly, Osteen says that as Christians we will live lives free of worry or anxiety. The night before Jesus’ crucifixion he was so overcome with dread and worry that he physically sweat drops of blood (Luke 22:44). I don’t personally know anyone who has suffered that much anxiety.
If we believe Joel Osteen and all those who preach the “health, wealth, and prosperity gospel” we end up with a Christless Christianity. We end up with self-help.
I have said this before: life gets much more difficult when you become a Christian. It is not all laughs and smiles and cotton candy. It is pain and heartache and conviction and repentance. But along with it comes joy and peace that I would never trade for the happiness this world has to offer.
Husband, Make Her Shine
4 hours ago
1 comment:
I agree with you, and I am sure there are MANY others who agree.
Oh the prosperity gospel... You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who studies theology agreeing with Osteen (if there is any hope there). In fact, most would say that if you have a perfect life, then you better give it up and get down and dirty with the suffering. I wonder what Joel Osteen says about people like Mother Teresa...
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