My reading for today was Romans 8 in its entirety. Where can I even begin to attempt to write commentary on this chapter? This is perhaps one of the richest chapters in the whole Bible. I am just deeply humbled as I read it. I am reminded of how awesome and wonderful our God is. This chapter literally brings me to my knees in prayer, repentance, and thanksgiving. Think about this: God speaks to us through His word. God wrote you a letter. Can you even grasp that? GOD WROTE YOU A LETTER. If you went to your mailbox today and in the upper left hand corner of a letter you received is the name "God" with a return address of "Heaven" what are you going to do with it? Seriously!! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT? (I am screaming this at the top of my lungs) I can tell you what most of us do with it. We look through the other mail to see what else we got, we walk inside and throw God's letter on the coffee table and read some garbage magazine. What? Think about that for a minute. God writes us a letter, we throw it on the coffee table and instead read what Britney Spears has to say about her love life? Are you kidding me? This sounds ridiculous but this is exactly what we do. How much time do we spend reading or watching gossip about celebrities, reading self-help crap, or sitting on the edge of our seats wondering who Bret Michaels is going to kick off this week rather than reading what the Creator of the universe has to say to us? As I write this it seems so ridiculous to think that anyone would do that. But I do, most of us do. How stupid are we, seriously? I'll say this again because I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it: God, the creator of heaven and earth, the sovereign king of the universe wrote you a letter in which He shares with you His most intimate secrets, His advice on any hardship you are facing, His deepest desires for you and your life, the way to live life to its fullest, and how to spend eternity with Him in paradise and bring your family and friends with you and you choose to read about Britney Spears' love life? WAKE UP!!!!!
This is a call to anyone reading this to stop now. Stop reading garbage written by men and pick up God's letter to you and read and don't stop reading until you are standing in front of God Himself and He can tell you in person.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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