"It is always good to be made much of for a good purpose, and a not only when I am present with you" -Galatians 4:18
I am confused about this verse. It seems like it could mean a number of things. Is Paul talking about himself here or the Galatians? I think we have to go back to verse 17 and look at Paul using the same term “make much of” in reference to the Galatians. He was telling them that the Judaizers were complimenting them and lifting them up but for the wrong reasons. It think verse 18 is simply Paul saying, “look it’s not always a bad thing to be complimented and lift each other up, in fact, it’s always a good thing if it’s done with the right motive.” He talks about this in his letter to the Ephesians. He says “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Granted this means that sometimes we have to confront each other with uncomfortable subjects but it is only done with the intention of building the other person up.
When Paul writes, “and not only when I am present with you”, does he mean that he is building them up even while he is gone or does he mean for them to build each other up when he is not there? I think the answer is both. He wants them to know he wishes to build them up even while he is away. He is also exhorting them to do so for each other. Maybe there was a tendency for the Galatians to build each other up in front of Paul so that he would think highly of them. Here he tells them “Don’t do it for that reason. Do it even when I’m not around.”
I really struggled with and prayed over this verse. If anyone has any other opinions or insights about this one please let me know.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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