Paul exhorts the Galatians to be like him. His primary meaning here is that, like him, they should not live as slaves bound by the Mosaic law and ceremonial covenants and that they should enjoy the freedom of living by faith alone in Christ alone.
I think we can take something else away from this though. I think Paul is saying that it’s acceptable, in fact, it’s beneficial to have mentors. Of course Jesus is who we ultimately look to and measure everything against. But sometimes it really helps to see what Jesus teaches modeled in another man. Sometimes it’s hard to make the connection to what Scripture says and how to actually live it out. The Galatians were having a hard time reconciling faith alone in Christ alone because, like me, their pride (and the Judaizers) told them that there must be something they can do to earn their salvation. God used Paul as a mentor to them to show them how this concept is actually lived out in everyday life. Like the Galatians needed Paul to help steer them towards Jesus, we too need more mature, experienced, faithful, wise, humble, Jesus-loving men to help steer us toward Jesus and teach us how all of Scripture points toward him.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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